Trust your business to Verified Customers

Existence, data validation, reputation, background checks and more - all in one - for fraud detection, Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer/Business compliance processes
Fully Automated

We provide the fastest and most accurate identity verification solution.

Highly Flexible

Our KYC, KYB, and AML services are customised for any jurisdiction and business requirement.

Data Security

Maintain full control over data and get real-time support from our tech team.


A modern identity solution

for digital businesses.


Easy integration for global coverage. Verify your customers around the world with access to reliable and independent sources in more than 100 countries. 

We help you build a frictionless identity verification process, scale operations globally and keep customer data secure by offering the online identity service verifying customers instantly and providing global data coverage. 

Keeping information protected and systems secure at all times.

Explore Coverage
KYC - Identity Verification

PEP, Watchlist & Sanctions check

2 Factor Authentication

KYB - Business Verification

Electronic IDs Verification

Document Verification

Real time AML checks

Address Verification




Pay as you go!

Great for small amount of checks from time to time

Personal Adverse Media (+PET +SL)

Personal sanctions (+PEP)


Great for up to 200 checks / monthly


Personal sanctions (+PEP)

Personal Adverse Media (+PEP +SL)

Government Identity check


Great for daily use with large amount of checks

Government Identity check

Business Sanctions +PEP

Business Sanction

Personal Sanctions (+PEP)

Personal Adverse Media (+PEP +SL)

Business Sanctions

Monitoring Too

Use cases

Customer onboarding

Consumers expect fast, secure digital onboarding when they open accounts. Avoid the pitfalls of slow, disjointed customer onboarding by leveraging a global identity verification platform that puts speed, security and growth at the forefront of your operations.

Regulatory compliance

Adjust to evolving regulations and enter new markets confidently with a single identity verification platform. XRAY connects you to more than 450 global and local data sources, 6,000 watchlists and 20,000 adverse media sources to amplify match rates, meet KYC and AML compliance, and fuel market expansion.

As a Financial Institution the AML, KYC and KYB are one of the most important security measures that have to work perfectly. XRAY helps us keep our clients safe and secure reducing the risk of fraud to zero!

Adam Simonsson



XRAY is the best solution aligned with our customer's compliance needs. Working within the remittance industry and providing tech solutions means having complementary solutions to match our standards.

Andreas Wickberg

Tango AML


Contact Us and Request More Information about XRAY


An identity document serves as identity proof for products, services or transactions. Generally, the documents are government-issued, unique and include personally identifiable information.

Different use cases and countries have different requirements for acceptable identity documents. Driver’s licenses, passports or national identity cards are common ID documents.

Enabling people to sign up for services on an app or website widens the potential market and makes it easier for the customer. Automated digital identity verification can decrease manual work and improve productivity.

KYC, or Know Your Customer, is a process used by businesses and organizations to verify the identities of their customers. It involves collecting and verifying personal information and documents to ensure that individuals are who they claim to be. KYC helps prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities by ensuring transparency and accountability in financial transactions and interactions.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires users to provide two different types of verification before gaining access to an account or system. It adds an extra layer of protection beyond just a password.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) is a set of rules and measures designed to stop criminals from disguising illegally obtained money as legitimate funds. It involves processes that financial institutions and businesses follow to identify and prevent suspicious financial activities, such as moving illicit money through various transactions to make it appear legal.

You can verify customers by implementing a KYC (Know Your Customer) process that involves collecting and validating their personal information, such as ID documents and address proofs, and cross-referencing this data against trusted sources. Additionally, you can implement a 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) to enhance security by requiring customers to provide two types of verification before accessing their accounts, such as a password and a unique code from their phone. This combination of KYC and 2FA helps ensure the legitimacy of customers and protects their accounts from unauthorized access.

Fully Automated: We provide the fastest and most accurate identity verification solution. Highly Flexible: Our KYC, KYB, and AML services are customized for any jurisdiction and business requirement. Data Security: Maintain full control over data and get real-time support from our tech team.

KYC - Identity Verification/ PEP, Watchlist & Sanctions check/ 2 Factor Authentication/ KYB - Business Verification/ Electronic IDs Verification/ Document Verification/ Real-time AML checks/ Address Verification/

Identity Affirmation encompasses the process of ensuring that the digital attributes associated with a person's online presence accurately reflect their true identity, values, and characteristics. This process is essential in digital platforms where users interact, share information, and establish connections. Identity affirmation mechanisms can include multi-factor authentication, biometric verification and more.

involves collecting personal information like names, addresses, and ID documents. Then, using technology and sometimes databases, the collected information is checked to ensure it's consistent and valid. This helps prevent fraud and ensures that people are using their real identities for online services or transactions.

is a way of verifying a person's identity based on unique physical or behavioural characteristics. First, you start collecting the Biometric Data, then creating a Biometric Template and after, a Matching and Verification. Biometric authentication is considered more secure because it's hard to fake or steal someone's biometric features.

We offer three subscription plans: Basic Pay as You Go, Light and Corporate. Please contact our business team for more information.

We offer flexible month-to-month plans with no minimum contract duration. You can cancel or modify your plan at any time.

No, there are no hidden fees. Our pricing is transparent, and we believe in delivering value without surprises.

Absolutely! You can upgrade your plan at any time to align with your changing needs.

We accept payments via major credit cards and bank transfers for your convenience.

