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Why investing in Tech that assists Remittance Companies with compliance is a good solution

10/19/2023 12:00:00 AM

Financial institutions are investing in technology-enabled controls and compliance processes since regulatory pressures can increase the cost and time for international payments. Elena Borta, COO at Tango AML, shares how can financial institutions that offer international payments can overcome challenges associated with compliance.

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What are the main trends in transactions monitoring, KYC, and AML?

9/28/2023 12:00:00 AM

The main challenges in cross-border transfers from a fraud prevention and detection perspective. What is challenging for payments providers considered working in multiple jurisdictions? How to mitigate these problems? What are the main trends in transactions monitoring, KYC, and AML to watch out for and how can payments services providers get ready?

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How to Choose a Financial Software Development Company?

9/14/2023 12:00:00 AM

The influence of financial software solutions is expanding rapidly. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the transition from traditional banking towards widespread digitalization of financial services. This trend is set to continue in the present year, where digital banking is not only viewed as a means of financial support but as an integral part of everyday life.

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Secure Online Money Transfer System that Helps Remittance Companies Stay Compliant.

8/15/2023 12:00:00 AM

Secure Online Money Transfer System that Helps Remittance Companies Stay Compliant. Tango AML offers a variety of services needed by financial actors across the globe to operate in a compliant and secure way. We provide technical, financial, and legal expertise to anyone interested in operating in the remittance space.

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Digital Money Transfer and AML Compliance.

7/25/2023 12:00:00 AM

Digital Money Transfer and AML Compliance. Sending money across the borders has been an exhausting and expensive task that involves a chain of middlemen, hidden charges, heavy fees, and paperwork. “Cash is the king” is an overstatement that kept people stuck to traditional methods of sending money.

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Things to Consider Before Choosing a Money Transfer Software.

7/11/2023 12:00:00 AM

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Money Transfer Software.  The world of Money Service Businesses (MSBs) has come a long way now, and there are a lot of effective payment options bringing benefits to many people. The money transfer software is the backbone to all MSBs, but there are some issues that consumers face which are good to be considered before choosing a remittance software.

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What Software to Choose for Transactions Orchestration and AML Compliance?

11/1/2022 12:00:00 AM

What Software to Choose for Transactions Orchestration and AML Compliance? Do you still wonder ... What software system to choose for transaction orchestration and AML compliance? How to apply for a Money Service Business license? How to open an MSB bank account?

